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Welcome. The Nigerian Community is Live!



The Nigerian Community

We are LIVE!

We are excited to announce that after months of planning and testing, The Nigerian Community website is finally live for all Nigerians living at home and abroad to enjoy.

Our focus is on Nigerians living in the U.S. If you currently reside in the U.S., or you hope to do so sometime in the future, you will find this website invaluable.

The Nigerian Community is not a traditional news website. We are a community website.

Sure, we will publish news we consider interesting or important to Nigerians, our goal is to help the community thrive.

To understand what we mean when we say our goal is to help you thrive, it’s important to understand who we are. We are a group of Nigerians who have gone through tough times in the United States but who by the grace of God, have emerged.

Some of us have gone through tough times, so we decided to create this community website to help other Nigerians living in the U.S. who may be going through the same things.

When you reside in Nigeria, it is easy to see the United States as the be all, end all. What you may not realize is that while there are opportunities in the U.S. it is not easy to succeed here.

For every Nigerian living it up in the U.S., thousands are barely making ends meet.

Would you believe it if we told you that thousands of Nigerian families are homeless in the U.S. and sleep in their vehicles at Walmart’s parking lots every night?

No? It is true.

‘When you reside in Nigeria, it is easy to see the United States as the be all, end all. What you may not realize is that while there are opportunities in the U.S. it is not easy to succeed here.’

Do you know that the decisions you make before you set foot in the U.S. will go a long way towards determining your success when you get here? Do you also know that the person hosting you when you get to the U.S. has a huge influence on how quickly you succeed or if how tough you will have it?

One of the biggest issues facing the Nigerian Community in United States today is immigration. With the current U.S. administration, this has been multiplied ten fold and a lot of Nigerian families are being exploited daily in their quest to obtain a ‘Green Card’.

How about churches? “Nigerian Churches” are practically in every street corner but how many of them are doing things to help the Nigerian community? How many churches can you count on to be there for your family when you need them?

What about raising Nigerian children in the U.S.? Back home (in Nigeria) you can discipline your children however you see fit and due to the culture, you can expect your children to behave in certain ways. Not so in the U.S. where just about anything goes these days.

We will bring together Nigerian professionals like lawyers, doctors, nurses, business owners, teachers, stay-at-home moms, community leaders and more who are willing to help the community, and have them show you ways to advance your career, start or grow business, raise successful children and navigate the U.S. immigration laws.

We have been reaching out to Nigerian professionals in the U.S. and our efforts have been successful beyond our wildest dreams, but if we have not reached out to you and you would like to be part of this, please contact us today.

Thank you for visiting us today. We hope you come back soon. Why don’t you bookmark us while you are here?

If you have not signed up to receive our weekly newsletter filled with tidbits and useful information about the Nigerian Community, please do so before you leave. You can always unsubscribe if you do not believe it is beneficial to you and your family.

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Nigerian Politician, Wife Jailed in London for Illegal Kidney Plot



Former Nigerian Senator Ike Ekweremadu and wife

The fall from grace of former Nigerian Deputy Senate President Ike Ekweremadu is now complete after he was sentenced by a British court to nine years in prison for illegal organ trafficking plot.

The court also sentenced his wife, Beatrice, to four years six months while the medical doctor who acted as the ‘middleman’ in the whole sordid episode, Dr. Obinna Obeta received 10 years and a suspension of his medical license.

Ekweremadu, his wife and Obeta were found guilty last month by the British court for criminally conspiring to bring a 21-year-old Lagos cellphone street vendor to London to donate organs to Ekweremadu’s daughter, Sonia who needed kidney transplant to stay alive.

The London court heard how the Ekweremadus’ presented the street vendor as a cousin of Sonia’s in a bid to convince the doctors with the Royal Free Hospital in London to allow the nearly $100,000 operation to proceed.

Sonia Ekweremadu

Sonia Ekweremadu after her parent’s sentencing.

The street vendor was said to have been offered up to $10,000 to become a donor after Sonia was forced to abandon her Master’s degree in film program at Newcastle University following a kidney failure.

The prosecutor, Hugh Davies KC told the court that the Ekweremadus and Obeta had treated the man and other potential donors as “disposable assets – spare parts for reward”.

During a televised sentence hearing, Mr Justice Johnson recognised Ike Ekweremadu’s “substantial fall from grace”.

Lynette Woodrow, deputy chief crown prosecutor and national modern slavery lead at the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), said it had been “our first conviction for trafficking for the purposes of organ removal in England and Wales”.

She said it highlighted an important legal principle which made it irrelevant whether the trafficking victim knew he was coming to the UK to provide a kidney.

“With all trafficking offences,” Ms Woodrow said, “the consent of the person trafficked is no defense. The law is clear; you cannot consent to your own exploitation.”

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World Bank: Diaspora Nigerians Sent Home Nearly $170b in 8 Years



Nigerian Naira

Nigerians living abroad sent home nearly $200b to help families and to invest in the country in the last eight years, according to a report by The World Bank.

According to the report, Nigerians in diaspora remitted a stunning $168.33 billion to the country.

But the huge inflow of foreign currency from diaspora Nigerians was not enough to stem the scarcity of foreign currency in the country leading to the free fall of the Naira, Nigeria’s local currency.

The World Bank reported that remittances to Sub Saharan African from abroad grew 5.2 percent to $53 billion, and the largest share of that went to Nigeria.

A breakdown of the figures released by The World Bank showed that in 2015, the Diaspora remittance was $21.2bn; it fell to $19.7bn in 2016; and increased to $22bn in 2017.

By 2018, it was $24.31bn. It soon fell to $23.81bn in 2019, and the pandemic caused it to plummet to 17.21bn in 2020. It made a rebound to $19.2bn in 2021 and by 2022 the World Bank estimated that the inflows into the country had reached $20.9bn.

The World Bank report said foreign remittances to Nigeria was the top source of non-oil foreign exchange for the country.

As of April 19, 2023, data from the CBN showed that Nigeria’s forex reserve was $34.43bn, an 18.4 per cent increase from the $29.07bn it was in 2015.

But Nigerians abroad are warning that the current economic condition in various North American and European countries may affect their ability to continue to send money home.

“Things are no longer the way they used to be. Things are tough no,” warned Blessing Okon, a resident of England who said she regularly sent money to her parents but is now cutting back due to the economic conditions.

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2022 Afrocentrik Television Award to Celebrate Excellence in Stafford, TX



2022 Afrocentrik Television Award

Afrocentrik Television, a local television station featuring news and events about Africans in the diaspora, will host its first annual Eva Awards on Sunday, October 9, 2022.

The venue for the event is the Stafford Civic Center, in Houston, TX. Event starts at 5:00 PM.

According to Wole Van Olasoji, President and CEO of Afrocentrik Television, the event is aimed at highlighting the progress and achievement of Africans in the diaspora and to promote excellence in the community.

“This is our first award, and the goal is to promote excellence, values, and achievements of our community members. We hope to encourage the community by presenting this award,” he said.

African business owners in Houston and other Texas cities are expected at the award show. Entertainers expected to attend include D’Lyte, Seyi Alesh, Demola the Violinist, and Helen Paul.

According to a release from Afrocentrik Television, the Afrocentrik award show will celebrate excellence, values, and achievements and honor the outstanding contributions of the African Diaspora in the Greater Houston Metro Area.

All proceeds will be donated to an outstanding charitable organization in the Houston community.

Awards will be handed out to individuals and companies in various categories including healthcare, sports, law firm, restaurant, media, real estate, and more.

There is a cost to attend the award. Complete information is on Afrocentrik Television’s website.

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